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Anne-Marie Brady

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Anne-Marie Brady

Dr. Anne-Marie Brady is a well-known scholar specializing in Chinese politics, polar politics, Pacific politics, and New Zealand foreign policy. She is a professor of political science at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand and founding executive editor of the Polar Journal, which publishes multidisciplinary research on governance and policy issues within the polar region. Dr. Brady has published numerous academic articles and twelve books, including China’s Thought Management (2012), China as a Polar Great Power (2017), and Small States and the Changing Global Order: New Zealand Faces the Future (2019). Her conference paper “Magic Weapons: CCP Political Influence Activities Under Xi Jinping,” published online, sparked a public debate both in New Zealand and abroad. As a scholar committed to research in the public interest, she has written op-eds for the Washington Post, New York Times, The Guardian, and Financial Times.

Anne-Marie Brady participe au Programme Professeurs invités de l’EHESS, sur proposition d'Isabelle Thireau (CNRS/EHESS, CCJ-CECMC), du 20 octobre au 20 novembre 2022.

Conférences en anglais.


China’s interests in the Pacific

Intervention dans le cadre du séminaire "Recherches nord-américanistes : séminaire du Centre d’études nord-américaines", co-animé par Romain Huret, Cécile Vidal et Nicolas Barreyre.

Lundi 14 novembre 2022, 14h-16h. Bâtiment EHESS du campus Condorcet, salle A427, 2 cours des Humanités – 93330 Aubervilliers

La conférence aura lieu en hybride. Pour recevoir le lien, s’inscrire ici.


China has military, political, economic, and strategic interests in the South Pacific. This talk outlines how China uses foreign interference activities in the Pacific region as a tool of foreign policy and discusses the impact of this on Pacific democracy and on regional security and regional institutions.

Doing social science research in Xi Jinping’s China

Intervention dans le cadre du séminaire "Normes sociales et légitimité en Chine contemporaine", animé par Isabelle Thireau.

Vendredi 18 novembre 2022, 10h30-12h30. Campus Condorcet-Centre de colloques, salle polyvalente 50, cours des Humanités – 93330 Aubervilliers


It has always been difficult and sensitive to do social science research in the PRC, but the era of Xi Jinping has taken China back to a level of control over information not seen since the Mao years. This talk discusses the challenges and opportunities of doing social science research on China in the present day, using real life examples.

Between Information and Disinformation: Discussing Current Issues about Research on Contemporary China

Intervention dans le cadre d'un Atelier doctoral du CECMC 

Vendredi 18 novembre 2022, 14h30-16h30. Bâtiment EHESS du campus Condorcet, salle A302, 2 cours des Humanités – 93330 Aubervilliers 

Facing the new geopolitics: China at the Poles"

Intervention dans le cadre du séminaire Présences chinoises de Thierry Pairault. Séance co-animée par Thierry Pairault et Isabelle Thireau.

Lundi 21 novembre 2022, 9h00-11h00. En distanciel : https://cnrs.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0tf-6opj4sHdRwDCmkrm1cRYyBNH_N7FJt.

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